Black Church Studies Consultations
The Black Church Studies Consultation is an annual event that brings together people from inside and outside the Louisville Seminary community to learn in lectures and workshops tied to a specific theme. The 2019 BCS Consultation inspired the work of the Nehemiah Project, and the next five consultations were organized according to the needs and goals of Nehemiah Project congregations.
The Future of the Black Church: Trends, Threats, and Promising Paths
“The Future of the Black Church: Trends, Threats, and Promising Paths” included a panel of experts discussing the current state and future of the Black Church.
Watch 2024 ArchiveHealthy, Holistic, and Holy Approaches to 21st Century Ministry and Mental Health in the Black Church
“Healthy, Holistic, and Holy Approaches to 21st Century Ministry and Mental Health in the Black Church” included workshops on psychology and mental illness specifically focusing on clergy, women, children, young adults, LGBTQIA+ people, and males.
Watch 2023 ArchiveTransitions: A New World and the Black Church
“Transitions: A New World and the Black Church” featured workshops on hybrid church technology, pandemic challenges, social justice, mental health, and more.
Watch 2022 ArchivePower, Action, and Justice: African American Rural Ministry for the 21st Century
“Power, Action, and Justice: African American Rural Ministry for the 21st Century” included workshops on the organizing, obstacles faced by Black CME clergywomen, the Black churches roots of radical Black protest, and more.
Watch 2021 ArchiveAfrican American Rural Ministry: Hopeful Ministries in Hopeless Times
“African American Rural Ministry: Hopeful Ministries in Hopeless Times” showcased workshops on a theological vision for rural Black churches, an ethnographic portrait of Black religious, the effects of job displacement on Black communities, and more.
Watch 2020 ArchiveRural Ministry in the African American Context
“Rural Ministry in the African American Context” included workshops on community organizing, rural community politics, gender relations, and more.
Watch 2019 Archive